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Causes and elimination methods of bubbles in glass bottles

Glass products factory, which produces glass wine bottles, is likely to have bubbles, but it does not affect the quality and appearance of glass bottles.

Glass bottle manufacturers have the advantages of high temperature resistance, pressure resistance and cleaning resistance, which can be sterilized at high temperature and stored at ultra-low temperature. Because of its many advantages, it has become the preferred packaging product for many beverages such as beer, juice, and beverages.

The main characteristics of glass packaging materials for glass bottles are: non-toxic, odorless; fully transparent, multi-model, high-barrier, cheap, and can be used multiple times.

In order to better scientifically study glass bubbles, we first analyze the origin of the gas in the bubble, the interaction between the gas and the glass liquid, and the physical properties of the glass liquid that cause or disappear the entire process of the bubble.

The gas in glass bubbles usually originates from several layers:

1. The gas in the gap of the material particles and the gas adsorbed on the surface of the raw material

In the early stage of the melting of the mutual ingredients, such gases continue to evaporate or volatilize, and large bubbles are generated during the lifting process to rise and escape the glass liquid. Generally, it is impossible to immediately cause visible bubbles in the glass products. Unless the control of the particle size distribution of the raw materials is unreasonable, the agglomeration of the mixed materials is not sufficiently melted, and the gas cannot be discharged.

2. Dissolving the released gas

The batch is rich in many inorganic salts, potassium thiocyanate and phosphate. This salt dissolves upon heating and creates many fine air bubbles. The amount of gas formed by the dissolution of the salt is about 15-20% of the net weight of the batch. Compared with the achieved glass liquid, the volume is many times larger. Much of this gas is released and moved continuously, which increases heat exchanger efficiency, accelerates batch melting, and improves glass bottle composition uniformity and temperature uniformity. However, the bubbles produced by this gas cannot be removed immediately to produce glass bubbles.

3. Gas caused by other reasons

The gas, hazardous residue components and gas caused by the liquid effect of glass are extracted from the refractory insulation material. The glass bubbles generated by the gas take a long time in all normal production processes and are not easy to subside, but they are not common.

The temperature of the glass melt decreases too fast or changes greatly, or the redox reaction of the glass fluctuates greatly for various reasons. This element fluctuates the solubility of various gases and releases many fine secondary bubbles. This type of bubble is characterized by a small diameter and many bubbles.

Occasionally, due to the incorrect measurement or feeding in the material side implementation process, the glass composition in the tank furnace fluctuates greatly, and the solubility of the gas in the glass fluctuates greatly, resulting in many glass bubbles.

There are two methods for the final disappearance of glass bottle bubbles in the whole process of response: one is that the small bubbles continue to grow into solid bubbles, and the bubbles with poor relative density float up again, and finally escape from the glass liquid state and disappear. The second is small bubbles. The solubility of gas in glass increases with the decrease of temperature. Because of the effect of interfacial tension, there are gases of various components in the bubbles. The working pressure is high and the diameter of the bubbles is small. The gas is quickly digested and absorbed by the glass. , the working pressure of the bubble continues to expand with the reduction of the diameter, and finally the gas in the bubble is completely dissolved in the glass liquid state, and the small bubble completely disappears.

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